
中国人为何热爱竞争?老外这样看... | 老外看中国

原标题:中国人为何热爱竞争?老外这样看... | 老外看

专栏 | 老外看中国





1、Andrew Orr

If you have not lived in China, there is no way to fully know.


I feel confident saying that because I’m not Chinese, and there is no way I would have known until I had gone there.


I taught IELTS and an English elective class at a middle school, and little things gave me insight to that level of competition:


I once gave private English lessons to a middle school-aged boy, and I saw the tight schedule his parents had for him. I’d be over at their house, he’d be doing homework, and 7:30PM I’d join them for dinner, and from 8:00 to 9:30 once or twice a week, I taught him English, and once I left, he’d be doing homework for probably another hour.


His parents told me they really want the best for him and they do want him to be happy (and by and large he seemed in good spirits), but they also have to be strict with his studies because there is no other way.


Their parents ask their children to improve themselves, but they also ask for horizontal comparisons of all the "rivals" they can reach. But in the United States, we usually allow our children to develop.



Yes, I have a deep feeling about it.


Generally speaking, you don’t see anything like that in the US or some other countries. I’m not saying there isn’t competition here; there is, but it’s different from China.


If you don’t see it or experience such competition, You probably can't imagine that the average Chinese people are strict with themselves. I think that kind of self-discipline is enough to make most Americans feel ashamed.



I had friends who routinely were working on Saturdays at their office jobs, and I would meet people who I thought would be great at doing x job, and even though I felt that person very unique and worthy of such a job, the reality is there could be hundreds, thousands, tens or hundreds of thousands just like that same person looking for that same limited job.


In my opinion, this may be the main reason why Chinese people emphasize "competition", because you can never imagine how many people can replace your work at any time, so you have to keep moving forward!


4、Robin Matthews

In China, if you want to become rich, you have to pass the College Entrance Examination, enter the stock market, and make as many commercial investments as possible!


So when you have Chinese people all focused on the same strategy, it only magnifies the competition even more. Contrast that to the US, there isn’t that same approach.


Of course, this is not to say that the average American does not like wealth, but in most cases, Americans will find that after trying hard, they do not seem to have much difference compared with other idle people!


Since hard work can't change anything? Why not enjoy life? In fact, the "competitive culture" emphasized by China today also appeared in the United States 70 years ago.



I have never been abroad, but as I know, in the US whether you get high scores or not you can go to a good university easily although it’s very expensive, so whether you can get high education it depends money. But in China, Gaokao maybe the relatively only equalty way to send you to a university and change your life, so we have to study harder or else you have to sell your physical force to work in a factory.


6、Katie Pedro

I think that's because most non-Chinese don't really care about this aspect of the Chinese society? It is not something they think will impact their lives. In case there is a glimpse of the competitiveness, it usually is portrayed in negative light. Then people forget about it in no time.


To be honest, a lot of the competitiveness in China's society is internalized drive. I met many laid back Chinese employees in my workplace. There are many of them. However, the society seems strongly promote a value of competitiveness, especially the hot articles shared in popular social platform, especially those give career advices.



Most of the Western world has achieved levels of success and prosperity that has lessened their competitive drive. There was a time, probably over a century ago, when the West had such a drive but that time is long gone.


8、AI Nicks

In 1978, just 41 years ago, China had zero foreign exchange, no foreign trade, no high speed rail system, no airport,, no tall buildings, no subway systems. Beijing, Shanghai and every major city had rotating blackouts, even at a time when there were no street lights, neon signs and no industry. In 1978 the mode of transportation was the bicycle, the bus and by foot.


In just 41 years 1.4 billion Chinese people took their country from a third world nation to the largest economy in the world. Today, China’s 1.4 billion people toil away in factories across China producing products that every Chinese person – and every person across the world – needs and wants to buy.


Today, China keeps the world’s economies running by buying the natural resources and raw materials that their factories use to manufacture the iPhones, iPads, iWatches; the Samsung TVs and appliances; our shoes and clothes, and even the robots that our factories use to manufacture our electric cars;


all the products Americans buy everyday at Walmart, at our Apple Stores, on Amazon dot com, at Home Depot and at Lowe’s. In just 23 years China went from a third world country to the largest economy in the world on the backs of 1.4 billion working class people who trade their labor for wages and the "spirit of competition" they emphasize all the time.


9、Tom Au

Most Chinese American families (I come from one) have memories of grinding poverty going back “only” two generations or so. And Chinese families have a “longer” memory in this regards than others. That is, your parents push you hard with tales about how their parents, your grandparents, almost got killed or starved to death in World War II.


So yes, Chinese-American competitiveness of today was bred two generations ago.


10、Frans Vandenbosch

The competitiveness in China, both in the economy, the education system and the interpersonal competitiveness is beyond imagination.


I have seen dozens of small western companies trying to do business in China, but unaware of the extreme competitiveness. Often when they failed, they blamed it on “unfair competition”, never on their own lack of preparation for the Chinese market.


The western mainstream media and their bias about China are the main cause of this issue.


11、Alfred W Crouche

In order to truly understand Chinese civilisation you need to have a group of Chinese friends and ideally have lived there. Some of us married to Chinese get a running commentary on the failings of western civilisation including the “laid back” lifestyle and failure to plan generations ahead.


We all come from cultures with thousands of years of development, but Chinese just seem more conscious that life is a bitter struggle, not only to succeed but exceed.


毫不讳言,对于美国网友“Alfred W Crouche”有关中国竞争文化的认知,老铁是表示赞同的:



如美籍华裔网友“Tom Au”所说的“前两代人都有经历过极度贫困生活的记忆”是一方面,而除此以外,更为重要的恐怕还是一种“民族发展的历史责任”!




